Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Meatball Experiment

Meatballs are an easy and economical way to add more protein to my diet. Unfortunately, the pre-made kind don't taste all that great plain. So that means sauces of various kinds. Having spaghetti sauce every day would get pretty tedious. A-1 Sauce, though I love it, has sugar in it. It's not a large amount per serving, but it would take 3 to 5 servings to cover the meatballs, because...

The one thing I've discovered is that the meatballs are so much better when they're submerged in whatever sauce I want them in so that the sauce really infuses the meatballs.

I thought enchilada sauce would be a nice change of pace, but I only used one serving (1/4 cup) and there wasn't enough for it to really soak into the meatballs during the mini-slow-cooker process. Next time around, I'm using 1/2 cup of sauce. Adding sour cream and olives and maybe some shredded cheese would make a really nice little dish, don't you think?

Remember I mentioned the Buffalo Ranch concoction? Yeah, I tried that on the meatballs. It's great on chicken. I could snarf it all day long. On the beef meatballs? Not so great. But live and learn, right?

The other thing I just thought of as I sat down to write this post--gravy! Plain brown or beef flavored gravies. As a change of pace, it's worth a try.

Any recommendations? I perused the condiment aisle and surprisingly, options are pretty slim. So many things have carbs and sugars. Ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great week!!

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