Friday, June 19, 2020

Wasn't feeling inspired on Wenesday...

The writing has been a challenge. I'm getting the word count until this morning, but it's not good writing.

On the other hand, you can't fix a blank page, so at least there's words and scenes, which can be improved upon and moved around as needed.


The keto-ing has been a challenge too. Sunday was reward day and, even though I went back on the food wagon as of Monday morning, as of this morning, my body hasn't gone back into ketosis. I didn't track it last time, so I don't know if it's taking the same amount of time or longer. But I'll keep testing and see what happens.

On a happier note, I'll get a reward day the week I go out of town. :0)


It's writers group weekend, and while we're not meeting in person, we are meeting via Zoom. I'm looking forward to seeing my fellow writers.

I do visit with my writer besties every Saturday morning now, which has been nice. We gab for a couple of hours and they've become accountability partners as well. We all proffer up goals for the week and then report back the following week.

I haven't offered up anything too challenging, but a couple of the others have really found it helpful to have to report in. It adds in just a little extra motivation for them.


And that's about all I got this week. Nothing exciting has happened and I'm not expecting anything exciting to happen over the weekend.

I hope you have a great one!

Take care--

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