Wednesday, March 14, 2018

So...Netflix anyone...?

Apparently Netflix is celebrating twenty years of DVDs... Have DVDs really been around that long? Probably longer for Netflix to think a mail order service was a worthy business model, so...

We've subscribed to Netflix since 2005 and the first DVD we received was...

And, yeah, I think that was the first show the whole family gathered around the tv to watch together. We've watched all the older Star Trek series (all four of them), save the original, several times since then. There's a new series airing, but that's a rant for a different day.

Netflix streams via the Internet now and we no longer get DVDs, but I still really love having it as much as I ever did. It was especially handy during all those years we didn't have cable tv.

These days, Netflix also offers exclusive shows. I guess with all the other streaming services, they needed something to keep or gain subscribers.

Are you a  Netflix subscriber?


Dwane Knott said...

We have been Netflix subscribers for years also. We don't have any DVDs from them so we are newbies compared to you. We venture there often, especially when the youngest grandboy comes to visit.

Jen FitzGerald said...

Hi Dwane!! Thanks for stopping by. Netflix is great when you have little or younger ones in the house.