My sister- and brother-in-law live and work in the Middle East right now. They're home on leave for a short time and brought me these fun gifts...
...a magnetic post-it note and a camel-themed ornament...
Both are perfect.
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Happy Monday, Jen. Missed you at the meeting Saturday.
Such fun, whimsical things! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Missed seeing you as well, Regina. I hated to miss, but sometimes, just can't be helped.
Aren't they, Nancy. I love the ornament. Now that my children are moving out and taking their collectible ornaments with them, I have to start a new collection. :)
How fun! :)
I hope your sister- and brother-in-law are in a safe place ... May they be protected.
it was lots of fun.hope all are in good position.:)
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