Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How do you write when...

...your muse takes a vacation.

I've been wanting to write. Oh, yes, I have. I've been trying to write. I have two--make that three--stories all needing attention, but I'm stumped. I switched from one story to another hoping it was just the one and that by changing characters and plot lines I'd be able to write. But no.

So I keep plodding along writing crap and filling my head with other stuff--feeding it, if you will--hoping that I'll get some inspiration.

I've watched the new Star Trek movie about thirteen times now; four episodes of JAG; the second to last ever episode of Robin Hood, listened to Christmas music, country music, rock music, read fanfic, written writing articles, and participated in fun things on the Internet with fellow fans of Robin Hood on various message boards and communities...

But nothing doing. I'm still struggling. But 'tis the season to be jolly, so jolly I shall endeavor to be despite the writing slump.

What makes you jolly?


L.A. Mitchell said...

Nothing worse than the want-to-but-can't days of writing. I think writing this time of year is almost impossible, anyway. All we do is set ourselves up to feel bad because we can't squeeze it in. I hope your muse kicks in soon, Jen :)

Anonymous said...

Willingly I accept. The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.