
Thanks for checking out my services and rates.

I’m here to help you make your book the best it can be.

So what does the C.P. stand for?

It stands for critique partner.

Proofreading is self-explanatory.

"More" primarily includes series bibles or a general read-through for plot holes and the like.

I may be willing to do other miscellaneous odds & ends, so if you have a task or project, feel free to contact me and ask if it’s something I can or want to do. (I’m not a virtual assistant, and I don’t tweet or use Facebook for anything but family and friends so please don’t ask for that.)

Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I do have a day job. My duties take twenty to thirty hours a week, but I’m the boss’s wife, so I’m allowed to freelance on the job. Some parts of the month/year are busier than others and sometimes projects come up that usurp more of my time. This is especially true around Fourth of July and New Years as hubby and I also own/operate a fireworks store. As you might guess, the Fourth of July is way busier.

But let’s get on with the details shall we?

Proofreading includes:

· misspelled words
· missing words
· better words
     o hurried away vs. fled
     o stole vs. pilfered or swiped
· word repetition
· punctuation
· minor grammar issues
· minor situational inconsistencies
· word flow

More includes:

Series bibles

So you hadn’t planned on writing a series but find yourself two or three books in without documentation on recurring characters, places, the timeline and more? I’d be happy to read your books (provided they fall within my accepted genres, see below) and create that documentation for you.

Beta Reading

This is a one-time read through for major plot holes, questionable timelines, unlikable characters, etc. If you want a fresh set of eyes and an alternative perspective, then I'm your gal.

Website Updating

I'm great with Weebly and Wix. I have some experience with WordPress, but not much and I'm moving away from supporting them. Not a glowing recommendation, I know, but I manage/update at the moment. And I'm willing to learn something new. So at the very least, let's talk.


That’s all well and good, you’re thinking, but how much does all this stuff cost and how long does it take?

To get an idea of cost, click here for rate charts.

There's no way to predict how long a proofing job will take. It all depends on my schedule, the length and condition of the manuscript, or the scope of the job, but generally, I can turn a 90K word book around in less than two weeks, and that's reading through twice. That's also if I have no other jobs going on.

Series bibles also depend on the length of the book and what all info the author wants to track, but I can usually get a 75K word book done in a week if I have nothing else on my schedule.

If you have any questions or to query my schedule, please e-mail me at proofreader DOT jen AT gmail DOT com. (You know how to make that work properly, right?)


My credentials:

Voracious reader, primarily of romance.

Critique partner and beta reader for C.A. Szarek, Clover Autrey, and Gina Lee Nelson.

I have beta read for Harlequin Intrigue authors Angi Morgan and Robin Perini, Harlequin Romantic Suspense authors Jan Schliesman and Janie Crouch, and Harlequin Blaze/Temptation author Jamie Denton. In addition, I have created series bibles for both Robin Perini's series, Carder, Texas and Montgomery Justice.

At the end of the day, the above is all hearsay, but I'm happy to give you references. Please ask.

But I do love correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I love when an author uses the right word to convey her meaning, emotion, and nuance. I love learning new things from authors like new words or interesting facts about places or time periods.

And last but not least, now that I’m a certified D.B.A., the State of Texas requires me to collect sales tax as well. Our sales tax rate is 8.25%. My apologies, but I prefer to stay on the right side of the government.

I can accept .DOC, .DOCX, and .RTF. Because I calculate your cost by the word count rather than the page count, documents don’t necessarily need to be formatted according to the romance industry standard, however, I may change font size or type or line spacing for ease of proofreading.

I can use the Track Changes feature and/or highlighting/comments function. Let me know your preference.

The Chicago Manual of Style and Strunk and White's The Elements of Style are my primary resources.

What I prefer to read: romance, any genre sans super explicit sexual situations; young adult; and new adult; and including inspirational. Historical is one of my favorites.

I'll accept women's fiction, cozy mysteries, fantasy, time travel, paranormal, and political thrillers along the lines of Vince Flynn.

What I won't read: horror and erotic/explicit sexual situations, to include bestiality and non-consensual sexual situations, no graphic murder mysteries or serial killer types works.