Monday, August 1, 2011

To echo a friend, Change is good...isn't it?

I'm going to be negative Nellie, for a moment, and say, emphatically, NO! Not all change is good. I'm not fond of change, even the good sort, but the bad...well, let's not even talk about it right now.

On the other hand, there are changes going on in my house. And while the transition leaves me cranky and out of sorts, the end result will be good. (Well, except for the reduction of funds as a result. :)

Last post, I mentioned flooring. My writing room is, for all intents and purposes, finished. It just needs furniture and decoration. Only it is now being used as a staging area/storage while my in-laws work on the rest of the house. But that's okay...

About 3/5 of the hallway has flooring now also, as does Sonshine's bedroom and closet. Today, all the molding in his room will go up and the painting of the molding will commence. After that, I'll be touching up his walls and then we'll go through all his stuff and refill his room. Oh, boy...

So the changes are wreaking havoc with my mood, though being at work today helps (not the work part, just the no chaos part).

In other news, yesterday (07.31.11) was the 30th straight day of over 100* temps here in North Texas. The record is 42 days back in 1980. It's entirely possible we'll break it, but, good gravy, I sure hope not. I had a gander at the trees in my back yard and I think I'll have to start watering them as well. My maple is looking a bit scraggly. So, yeah, as soon as the yard bags are moved, I'll start watering back there too.

As always, keep cool and stay hydrated.


mtnchild said...

Grumble, grumble, snarf, snarf!!! LOL

I guess you have reason to. What are you doing after you finish all that you mentioned? I hope you take a break of at least a couple of months before beginning anything new. Are you fixing it up for you, or are you thinking of selling?

Have a peaceful day at work!
Love you,

Jen FitzGerald said...

We may sell eventually, but not until Tim graduates at the earliest. Even then, we may keep the house and let Amber live there with room mates.

So mostly for us at the moment.

I know I'm such a whiner, huh?