Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Writers Weekend...


And it starts early. Our guest speaker is from out of town and is a big name in the publishing world. So tonight, we're wining and dining her at a local restaurant. As prez of the group, I need to go. So my good friend/CP/prez-elect is meeting me at my house at 5and we're off.

The road work on my block is done! So starting Monday morning, I'll be a walking again.

Even after a disappointing weigh-in on Wednesday night--where I didn't achieve my last 2lbs. in 2wks. goal--I was down .4lbs. last night even after a really expensive (calorie-wise) dinner at Jack in the Box. I needed dinner for me and the kids fast, so...but I'm thinking that because it was a hectic afternoon and my adrenaline was running, that offset all the calories. Or my body just needed a reset or a treat. However you want to look at it. Plus I didn't weigh in right after I ate. :)

And just to share a random image...

Pretty cool huh?


Char Newcomb said...

That is a cool way to do a staircase.

Have fun at writers weekend. We expect to hear all about it. :)

Cheap Flights to Bogota said...
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