Monday, September 10, 2012

It's official...

I've been officially ousted from my writing room and my Brown Eyed Girl is home. We're waiting on the new furniture we ordered. The big screen is now in my bedroom on top of the armoire. See here:

I'm debating on using the new camper as my new writing room. :) I can run an extention cord and run some A/C. Of course, the weather's turning so I may not need it, but I might need light. The only fly in my ointment is that the tires are dried out and cracked and could pop at any moment. What do you think??

We did end up going to the lake on Sunday. I even got a bit of work done while there, though it was hard to see the screen.

And here's my Brown Eyed Girl enjoying the water and the sunshine.

In addition to that, the kids and I mowed, weed whacked and bagged some dead leaves and lawn debris. DH hauled an eyesore of a pile of branches out of sight, so that was nice.

How was your weekend?? (Regina, did you get those closets cleaned out??)

1 comment:

mtnchild said...

Oh that Brown Eyed Girl is home ... wonderful - give her my love!! The rest of the kids too of course.

You need to tell me what's going on ...

Love you,