Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Miscellany...

My tidying process continued this weekend. I purged my closets and drawers of two more garbage bags full of clothes, along with four pair of shoes. One pair went in the trash as they were broken, although I would have kept them otherwise. The other three went into the donation pile.

Along with all the clothes, I purged more books. There are still more books yet to be sorted through, but I'll get there slowly but surely. I also tackled a shelf full of small bins and a plastic chest of drawers and threw out or or put in the donation box everything I didn't need or want.

There will be a trip to the donation station on my agenda for next Saturday.

Writers group meeting went well this past Saturday and the new and improved version of the GetPublished! program now in my hands was well received. I opted to not attend the Stars game Saturday in order to hang out with my writer friends. I see DD everyday and attend most of the games with her. I only get to see my friends generally once a month, so it was no-brainer.

I found some ornament storage containers on clearance for $4.50 each at Walmart yesterday, so taking down the rest of Christmas should happen over the course of the week and into next weekend.

Not much else going on.

Hope you had a good weekend and I hope your week goes well.

Take care!!

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