Friday, November 8, 2013

The end of an era...

Last night was the very last high school football game that Sonshine participated with the band in an official capacity.

His marching band days are most likely over. Sure, he could go college and join the marching band, but I don't think that's happening. He'd have a blast though since a continual lament throughout the last four marching seasons is that most of his band mates don't care that much. To them it's an easy class to be in and pass. It's not about being part of the group as a whole, of doing something great as a group, of aspiring to excellence as a group.

DD and I are gonna miss the Friday night lights and excitement, though we sure won't miss the chaos and the mediocrity.

So as a farewell to marching band, here are some pics...

Week one...getting ready to load the bus...

Week two...tuning/warming up for half time...

Week three...waiting for the equipment bus to arrive so it can be loaded...

Week four...just chillin' in between being able to play...

Week five...makin' some noise...

Week six...watching the other band perform...

Week seven...oldest sister, the Brown Eyed Girl, was able to come...

Week eight...playing...yeah, they do that sometimes...

Week nine...well, what can we say about this one...? I don't even know!

Week ten...the band on the big screen!

...and Sonshine enjoying a spot of tea on the coldest night we had this year...

And that's all folks!


Regina Richards said...

Looks like there were lots of happy memories made!

Angi Morgan said...


Band withdrawal can be handled too. But be careful...the addiction is hard to break (just think of all the equipment you no longer have to push!)


Unknown said...

Looks like a great season! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

An awesome accomplishment on his part -- and yours -- to stay with marching band all through high school. Congrats to you both.

Nancy the ex-band mom :-)

Jen FitzGerald said...

Thanks for stopping by, gals.

Lara, love the hair and the new pic.