Friday, November 22, 2013

So many books, so many genres...

So what's your favorite genre?

You probably know mine is romance. However, romance has a boat-load of sub-genres. What are some of those? These genres are based on categories for RWA chapter contests.

Young Adult
Romantic Suspense
New Adult

Most of these are self explanatory and most of them can be combined. New Adult is new to the scene. Young Adult book are about kids in high school. New Adult is supposedly about college age adults and their major firsts--jobs, cars, etc.

In addition to romance, there're westerns, mystery, horror, thriller, biographies, history, poetry, non-fiction of various varieties, and probably a ton more that I don't know the names of.

I love historical and young adult. I go through inspirational swings.I enjoy the occasional political thriller, too, believe it or not.

One of the other kinds of books I love are coffee table books--barns, cats, farm fields, the Beatles, Gone With the Wind. That kind of thing. :)

Did you know that technically, Gone With the Wind is not historical fiction?? Why, you ask? I recently read something that said it's only historical if the time period of the book precedes the era of the author's life or birthday by 100 years. So since the Civil War era was less than 100 years from Margaret Mitchell's lifetime, it wasn't historical. Which matches what we authors hear a lot when entering contests, your contest entry shouldn't be entered into the historical category unless it takes place during WWII or earlier. Though WWII isn't quite 100 years from today...hmmm. A bit of a contradiction there, which just goes to show nothing is written in stone!

Some of my favorites are:

Young Adult...



What about you? Favorite genre? Favorite title? Favorite author?


Regina Richards said...

Victorian and Regency Historical. :)

Unknown said...

I love romantic suspense, historical, and paranormal romance. Really, I'll read any kind of romance :)

Jen FitzGerald said...

Thanks for checking in, ladies.

Char Newcomb said...

I'm on the Historical kick now - Middle & Dark Ages - both the romances and the more straight fiction. And I have really enjoyed Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, set mostly in the 1700s Scotland and colonial America.

Jen FitzGerald said...

Cool, Char! Thanks for replying.