Friday, January 18, 2013

Like sands through the hourglass...

...these are the days of our lives.

Well, I was going to title this post something with Friday, but that happens a lot, so I thought I'd hopefully make you laugh or, at least, elicit a lift of your lips.

I mentioned Wednesday that I'd been able to recover quite a bit of text from a manuscript that had been corrupted. I've been working to fix some of the formatting and deleting a lot of the gunk that made it's way into it as well. Did I mention I'm thrilled about this turn of events??

When I went over my goals, I left a gaping hole in the writing slot because I just had no motivation in that regard. But now I do and I have a goal--which I've mostly already shared, but to make it official:

To recover, re-finish, and revise Fighting for Love. (And maybe brainstorm a new title.)
To submit it to The Wild Rose Press, an e-book publisher.
And whether accepted or rejected by TWRP, apply for RWA's PRO status.

So there you have it. And so do I.

Have a great weekend.


Regina Richards said...

Very cool! Go Pro!

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Clover Autrey said...

Awesome. Great worthy goals. And, you'll love being in the PRO group. Jeanne has already done some fun things on our NT loop and I'm looking forward to more of that this year. (I'm hoping as Pres. E I'll get to stay on that loop for two more years before I get the boot.)

Unknown said...

Awesome goals--I know you can do it! :)