Sunday, November 4, 2012

Time to take (back) control

The last few months have been rough. My oldest daughter moved back home, which meant, if you remember, that I had to give up my writing room. She also decided she was going to get up at 6:30 to do her devotions. Which meant I lost my early morning quiet time.

In addition, school started which meant marching band events and the general chaos that comes form having a child in school, then add teenager to that equation.

On the work front, things have been in transition for a month and half now. Things are changing, eventually for the better, but even so, transition can be hard.

As you also know, I've been trying to lose weight--to reach a healthy weight of approximately 115 lbs. Right now I'm just trying to shed the pounds. Once I get there, the plan is to turn fat to muscle. Which (I know, I know) weighs more. But that's okay. Anyway, I'm about 20lbs. lighter and have 25lbs. to go, but I'm at a stand still, the dreaded plateau that only renewed effort--meaning exercise--will get me over.

The point of all this is that I've allowed circumstances to control me. My writing and exercise have slacked off because I've let the mild depression and the ill will I've felt over circumstances that were really unavoidable guide my decisions.

It's not as if I don't know that exercise, especially, will help me lose more and weight and generally help me feel better, which in turn will help the writing. The problem becomes I just don't care.

This weekend was a step in the right direction. I completed a project and submitted it. It felt really good to get that accomplished. I was also able to overcome some doubts I had regarding another WIP. I discussed the story and my concerns with a couple of writer friends, and I found my way through the fog.

I usually like to start things on Sunday, and I sorta did. I was up and writing at 5:30 yesterday at least.

But today is a brand new day. I'm back to getting up early. I'm back to writing or revising every day. I'm back to exercising and eating better. (The walking will start tomorrow. I swear.)

I'm back to controlling my life, not letting life control me. was your weekend?


Lynne Kensington said...

I got controlled. Sort of.

Saturday was our RWA meeting, the first one where I was the Milstones chair, solo. It went well. The write-in afterwards was shorter than usual (lunch ran late and we got back at almost 3:30, only have the room 'til 5). By the time everyone quieted down and we could get to the writing, I only got in about an hour. But at least I got that.

Sunday I wound up working to "make up" for taking a day off. Wrote some in the evening. Best thing about NaNo? If I tell the boys I haven't gotten my word count in, they (generally) leave me be. Now, I don't have my office/writing room, either, so I wind up at the kitchen table, which is, of course, prone to be trafficky. Again, though, I did wind up with my word count. So far, I'm ahead on NaNo by about a day and a half. :)

I have lost and regained the same two pounds since starting the weight loss, but the exercise has made me mostly more energetic.

Glad you are taking things back into your own hands. If we let them, our friends and family, totally without malice, will run roughshod on our time (and our money--**glares at a certain teen-ager**).

Regina Richards said...

Plateaus are a bummer. But you are a powerhouse of persistence, so I'm guessing that plateau is no match for you!

Jen FitzGerald said...

Go, Lynne!!!

Thanks, Regina. No, the plateau will be history soon. :)