Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm an aunt again for the seventh time. It's a boy, my third nephew. (Phew)

He was born yesterday (11.23) around 4/4:30pm CST, weighing in at 6lbs., 14oz.

Name: Austin James--although that's not the correct spelling for Austin. I think my sister used a y somewhere instead.

I'm not all that excited about this kid, to be honest, for various reasons.


My daddy died one year ago today. (Part of the *meh* surrounding my newest nephew, I think.)


I am wearing summer clothes to work the day before Thanksgiving. Even in Texas that's a bit odd. :)


My current fanfic-in-progress is finally moving along again. I was able to get quite a bit written yesterday and last night, I spent a few minutes outlining what still needs to happen. I had actually written some of the end bits some time ago and then recently I'd written some more whilst trying to overcome the struggle I was having with the current chapter. So I think, with all the alone time I'll be enjoying soon, I'll be able to finally get this story finished by the end of the year.

I'm definitely ready to have that story behind me so I can focus on other writing projects.


To cook or not to cook...we have decided to accept our invite to Thanksgiving dinner. However, I have already started defrosting my own turkey and will cook it on Saturday. I've had this thing for almost a year now. It needs to be eaten. Of course, it may not be suitable for cooking/eating after being in the freezer that long. If that's the case, I'll just go buy another another one.

One of these days, my children are going to start coming to my house for holiday meals and I'm woefully out of practice. As I mentioned a few days ago, I think I've cooked a holiday meal only once or twice since I've been married. I'm not complaining at all, but it's time I developed my own techniques and menu.

On that note, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.


mtnchild said...

Summer clothes!!!! We set a record overnight temperature ... -2 ... even regular winter clothes don't do the job!

Don't let your fathers death dampen the excitement of a new life ... each child is a miracle in its own right.

I can't believe that you don't cook Thanksgiving dinner?!?! I love it, and now I don't either, but mine's for a different reason. Everyone says that I should not have to cook for the WHOLE crowd since I'm by myself. I am making red cabbage to bring though, and maybe a loaf of herb bread, maybe.

Love you,

Jen FitzGerald said...

Oh, it's not ALL Dad. Some of it is that I just don't like my sister very much. I'll love the baby when I see him, but he's so far removed from me at the moment. And with everything else going on, well...