I've been put in un-official charge of game-night snacks. The band members aren't allowed to visit the concession stands any longer as they wear their official marching uniform to the games and the district does not want them staining them. So right after half-time, my DD and I are set up to hand out pre-packaged cookies and chips or rice crispie treats, etc. and a soda and a water to each kiddo.
Also, they now have to be fed prior to them leaving school for the game (our home field is a mile away and shared by several other schools)--an additional task that got dumped on the band director's already over-burdened shoulders. Next week, our family will be providing dinner for the band. Oh, boy.
Well, here's a shot of my handsome boy:

and the band playing the Star Spangled Banner:
He is a handsome boy!
I noticed he saluted the flag before the anthem. Is he in JROTC? Is he interested in going to college on a ROTC scholarship? I know of a decent one (15,000) per year) that had only 50 percent of it's available money awarded this year because people simply didn't know the money was available. E-mail if he might be interested.
I've asked you that JROTC question before, haven't I? I talk to so many people I can't remember who I said what to. *sigh*
Hi Regina -- Yes, he is also in JROTC and that info on the scholarship would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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