Monday, January 19, 2015

Voracious Reader...

Yes, that's me--a voracious reader when I'm in the zone. As I have been of late. Last Monday I mentioned my progress and now, a week later, I'm here to report that I've read over ONE MILLION WORDS. The spreadsheet with dates, titles, and word count is a click away to the left, the list is to the right and down a bit.

Almost all of those words have been fan fiction. I came across a treasure trove of fascinating works, and the cold weather has been conducive to snuggling up and reading, reading, reading...

However, I did also pledge to read 26 real, published, official books that I could track via Goodreads and so, with a milestone of one million words+ under my belt, I somewhat sadly turn my reading attention to making a dent in another of my personal challenges. As a bonus, I will also be working at the ramping up the proofreading business goal. I have a series bible project to do and the books are historicals and highlanders to boot!

However, a proofing job has come in and so the historicals must wait too....

What about you--favorite romance sub-genre?

PS--I think the three million word goal is going to be a cake walk....what do you think?


Unknown said...

Sounds like you need to increase your goal--say 20 million words?

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Jen!! I haven't a doubt you'll meet that word goal. And congrats on the proofreading/series bible jobs.


Jen FitzGerald said...

Lara, I think I'm going to up that word count too. Twenty million might be a bit much :) but I'll have to seriously ponder a decently challenging number.

Thanks, Nancy!