Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Craft Project with Bamboo

Okay, it's not what you think...

Not last Christmas, but the Christmas before (so 2011), I received a lovely little bamboo plant. It was in one of those mottled gold vases and had a Christmas pick with a trumpet on it. This was my appreciation gift for picking up one of Tim's band mates for early practice most of the semester. I'll admit I was a little taken aback by the gift--not that I didn't appreciate the thought, but it was a bamboo plant in an Asian vase from a family that hails from El Salvador. Plus I had NO plants at the time because I kept killing them by forgetting to water them or not giving the right amount of light of something...

Here it is...
...only taller than it was when I got it.

Obviously, I managed to not kill it and here we are eighteen months later and I figured it was time to get the thing a new pot so it could maybe grow even bigger. I've mulled on what type of pot for a couple of months now, but for all the time I've spent in the garden center of The Home Depot, nothing has tickled my fancy.

Now this little guy has grown on nothing but water so I figured water was fine and that I'd just buy more fish-tank-type rocks for the pot. But I was in the closet the other day and glanced up at my shelf full of glass vases. (C'mon, we've all had that collection at some point, if not still...) And thought, yeah, that'd work, with some of those pretty decorative rocks from the craft store. And I just so happen to know someone who works at Michael's. So I texted DD yesterday and asked her pick me out some in green.

So from the above, with the help of:


I now have this:

And I love it. I just have to find someplace other than my kitchen counter for it to live now...


Regina Richards said...

Very pretty. And it reminds me I have a few plants that need repotting...putting it on the list.

Unknown said...

Lovely! Green is my favorite color! :)