Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date...

..with my blog and my faithful readers!

Yesterday, I had every intention on working on a post for today, but my writing group's contest closed for entries and it's my job to sort the judges and assign entries. And so that's what I spent the majority of yesterday doing, along with my regular Sunday tasks like grocery shopping and laundry.

So dear blog readers, I have nothing much to share today other than I'm pooped and I cannot wait until "THIS" has passed. I have several things I'm waiting on to pass, but one day at a time...

Hope you had a lovely weekend and here's to a pleasant week.


Anonymous said...

One day at a time ... Thanks for the reminder :-)


Regina Richards said...

Those weekends go bay fast.

Jen FitzGerald said...

Regina, the weekends go by faster and faster. Stop the train, I want to get off!

Nancy, some days it's one task at a time...get one done, cross it off the list.