Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm so tempted...

...oh, so tempted.

To run for newsletter editor of my writing chapter's newsletter. I've done it before. I *do* know what it entails. I'm trying to decide if, with my new writing goals, I'm willing to take it on.

The other day, I got a wild hair to write an article for said newsletter. Most article writers include a little blurb about themselves at the end of the article. It's been quite a while and I was at a loss as to what to include in my blurb, so I figured I go read our newsletter. I haven't read one in months. Years, actually; probably since I handed over the reins.

So what to my wondering eyes did appear? A newsletter with no articles. Well, no articles about writing. There was the standard letter from the president, an article from the president-elect about serving the chapter (she'll be asking for nominees soon), an article from the hospitality chair about donations for the raffle basket our chapter sent to the RWA National Conference, and a recycled article from the chapter's Web site.


RWA has a Yahoo group for newsletter editors where they can use articles written by other members of other chapters and submit articles written by our chapter members for the same purpose. Why didn't our newsletter have a single article from EditorLink?? She only used eleven of the twelve allotted pages. If she'd shrunk the font a couple of sizes throughout the newsletter and decreased the margins by a half-inch all the way around, she could have gained another page, maybe a page and a half.

And where was all the other stuff that's supposed to be in each edition of the newsletter, like times and dates of all board meetings and info on the upcoming general meeting?

I suppose beggars can't be choosers, but it really perturbed me.

Not that I don't like the newsletter editor, 'cause I do. She's very nice. But where's the rest of the board on this? Helloo...?

Of course, two of my sometimes readers are chapter mates. I trust discretion is the better part of valor with you both.

I'm so tempted.


Regina Richards said...

You were an awesome newsletter editor and I'd say run. Unless doing so compromises this new burst of writing you've been experiencing. Then I'd say don't distract yourself from success.

mtnchild said...

This is one of those 'should I, shouldn't I' things. If you really don't like what's being done, then run. If you can live with it the way it is ... don't. How many people are in your chapter? You can't be the only one that can handle this?

You thoroughly enjoyed it when you did it before, but don't let it interfere with your writing or family.

Love you,

Jen FitzGerald said...

Thanks Regina and Mom--

The initial effrontery has passed, so I don't think I'll be raising my hand. I am ready to step up the writing and to begin submitting. Plus I have things I spend time on that I'm not willing to give up.

But, rest assured, I will be mentioning my concerns to the president and president-elect.