Thursday, December 4, 2008


I went Christmas shopping this morning...

First stop: Office Depot. Yes, I Christmas shop at Office Depot. I even found a super-dee-duper gift for my younger daughter for cheap cheap. It was on clearance for $50 but when the gal rang it up, it was only $20! I even asked if that was right, and the checker assured me it was. Wahoo!!

Next stop: Target was dead so it was nice for me to meander around the store and look. I found several good movies on sale--we cataloged all our movies a couple of weeks ago and we have... 178 movies! So my goal is to put us at or above 200. We usually buy 20-25 new movies each year at Christmas anyway so it's not really going to be a problem. (I did buy other stuff, but I won't bore you with a laundry list.)

Last stop: Albertsons--my sister wants a Longhorns hoodie and they used to carry that stuff. But now they are strictly Cowboys--ugh. Now I have to find someplace else--is Steve and Barry's going to be open for Christmas?

So how's your shopping going?

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