Monday, August 9, 2021

Prepping for the conference...

In one day and eight weeks, I'll be headed to St. Louis for my annual genre specific reader/writer conference. The hotel is not canceling, the conference organization can't afford to postpone again, so it's on for who-so-ever shall come. I will be there. Masks are being required by the conference organizers and I'm completely on board with that. With the new strains, I have begun to mask up again.

Anyway, I'm looking forward it this year.

Primarily because I upgraded to "Featured Author" status and I'm going to be participating in a new event (for me)--a Storyteller Series Panel. I was able to find three other authors to join me and we brainstormed the topic "The Joys and Challenges of Writing MM Sports Romance."

In addition to the Storyteller Series Panel discussion, I get a second author lounge--an opportunity to sit at a table in the corridors outside the ballrooms where the panels are held and meet people. I bought a small table-top hockey set for passersby to play and try to win a prize. I'll have the whole table to myself this year, since the organizers are trying to be cognizant of social distancing as best they can implement it.


The other major change for me is being part of the Saturday book signing rather than the Thursday signing...usually the bigger name / more popular authors are at the Saturday signing, so that's another upgraded opportunity for visibility.

So I've made my lists and I've checked them twice, three times, four times...trying to make sure I have all my conference "ducks" in a row. I don't yet, but I'm getting there and I still have those eight weeks.

Now, if only I could finish the latest hockey book. I keep plugging away at it, but I still feel a bit lost in the weeds.

Hope you had a good weekend and here's to a great week.

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