Monday, May 16, 2016

The Annual JAG Meet was this past weekend...

I spent the better part of two days with two handfuls of wonderful women. We come from all walks of life, we're all ages, some have kids, some don't. This year we missed several usual faces, but were blessed with some ladies we haven't seen in a few years.

This annual gathering is one of the highlights of my year. These ladies never cease to amaze with their creativity and humor. I've thought about not going several times, but this is a place where I can let my fan girl fly and they all understand. :)

Here's to another wonderful JAG meet!


Kay Kauffman said...

My husband and I just finished watching JAG last night. We started with season one last year and have finally finished the series, and now I feel a little lost - it was such a wonderful show! A meet-up sounds like a great way to remember it. :)

Jen FitzGerald said...

JAG is always playing on the TV, and several ladies tend to sit and watch. Most of us chatter about anything and everything. And then a certain scene will come on and the whole room goes quiet while we all watch. :)